SOS From the American People

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A response to President Obama’s jobs speech from the American Dream movement, delivered by Tiffany Mellers, an unemployed Army Reservist. The American Dream Movement is a growing movement inspired by protests in Wisconsin and fueled by the brutal right-wing attacks on the middle class and the poor., along with several organizations, have joined the American Dream Movement to fight to ensure that Americans have the opportunity to find a decent job, afford to go to college, and secure a future for our children and our communities.
Courtesy of – A new U.S. Census Bureau report reveals the number of people living in poverty last year surged to 46.2 million — 1 in 6 Americans, the highest number since the Bureau began tracking such data more than 50 years ago. According to the report, blacks and Hispanics together accounted for 54 percent of the poor with whites at 9.9 percent and Asians at 12.1 percent. Children under 18 suffered the highest poverty rate. Meanwhile, the number of Americans with employer-provided health insurance has also continued to decline and now hovers just below the 50 million mark, the most in more than two decades. Analysts say the numbers would have been worse if not for government assistance programs, including extended unemployment compensation, stimulus spending, Obama’s health reforms, and social security. We speak with Heidi Shierholz, labor economist at the Economic Policy Institute.

Courtesy of Nation of Change and YouTube

Cornel West speaks at the Attica is all of us event at Riverside Church in Harlem New York City on September 9, 2011.

“The niggerazation of America…courage is in short supply…a spineless Democratic Party…poverty and truth telling…The counter revolution is winning.” West discusses Attica, it’s history and the current state of affairs in the United States.

Courtesy of  and YouTube

Is Social Security a Ponzi scheme as Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry claims? Noted author and former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich debunks that claim and five other lies the right-wing tells about taxes, government and the economy.